Weekend Custody

by John Fitzsimmons | Out of the Forge

Years ago, back in the late 80’s and after another extended trip to China, I came back to my cabin in Carlisle and began the process of recording some of the songs I’d been writing since I first learned a few chords. Few of these songs had ever been recorded and they only existed in vestiges of memories in tattered old journals and spiral notebooks. I booked some time in Bob Wey’s studio and sat in from of a mic and recorded songs such as this one, which I later released as a “cassette” called “Winter in Caribou” that I sold at my gigs and shows.  My good friend and guitar legend, Eric Schoenberg, stopped by the studio one day and added a bit of sweetness to the this song with his playing.

Now, another twenty years later, I am collecting and curating a collection of these old and almost forgotten songs into a project called “Dogs of Concord.” Concord was my hometown and is still the place where I work and sing and “hang out.” For better or worse, it is the place that fed–and continues to feed–the creative part of my soul. It is a much different town now than when I grew up, but the memories remain the same–and that is what Dogs of Concord is trying to recapture. So over the next weeks and months, I will be adding songs from that “era” of my life into this site.

I hope you enjoy!

Jesse calls up this morning—
“You can come downstairs now;
You see the grapefruit bowl?
Well, I fixed it all;
I fixed everything for you.”

Everything’s for you…

“Let me help you make the coffee,
Momma says you drink it too.
I can’t reach the stove,
But I can pour it, though—
What’s it like living alone?”

It’s like living ‘lone…

“Daddy, did you ever play soccer?
There’s a girl’s team at the school;
Joe said he’d show me how;
I got two daddies now—
But you can show me too.”

Yeah, I’ll show you too…

“Remember Friday night out bowling,
trying to make the pins fall down:
One time you missed them all;
That’s called a gutterball—
Just like the things up on the roof.”

The things up on the roof…

“Wasn’t last night a dumb movie?
Them outer space things weren’t real.
Weren’t they fake and stuff?
Did you have enough?
Pretty soon I got to go.”

Soon you gotta’ go…